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Polish Government forwards appeal of the PGN to coal regions


von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

PGN called for wider participation of social organizations in the Committees of the JTF. The ministry made an appeal to the regions requesting to consider this.

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solar farm, picture: Alina Pogoda

Is Eastern Wielkopolska ready for transformation?


von Polish Green Network

The 6th Eastern Wielkopolska Partnership Forum was devoted to the current problems in the Polish energy sector due to Russia's aggression towards Ukraine.

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Miners, activists and entrepreneurs from Konin travelled to Lusatia, picutre: Alina Pogoda

Open-pit Lusatia region as an inspiration for Eastern Wielkopolska


von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

Miners, activists and entrepreneurs from Konin travelled to Lusatia to see what the transformation in the German coal region looks like.

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5th Eastern Wielkopolska Partnership Forum

What after coal in Eastern Wielkopolska?


von Polish Green Network

The main concern of the 5th Partnership Forum in Eastern Wielkopolska was the discussion of two essential aspects for a just transformation.

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a farmer on his field, picture: Alina Pogoda

Farmers suffer from the drought and lack of support for this


von Mateusz Kowalik, Polish Green Network

The Polish Green Network organized a workshop for farmers in Eastern Wielkopolska. Water management in times of drought was one of the main topics.

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Factory site in coal region as a typical landscape image, picture: Alina Pogoda

The cooperative nature of the transformation


von Alina Pogoda, Polish Green Network

With the help of cooperatives, a just transition and a positive influence in achieving climate goals could be made possible.

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